According to Professor Serge Jurasunas, a well-respected naturopathic oncologist, author of eight books, 150 scientific papers, and 50 years’ experience in treating cancer patients, Rice Brand Arabinoxylan Compound (RBAC) is a ‘cancer treatment breakthrough.’
A number of published scientific papers has shown an association between immune cells, viz. natural killer cells (NK) and cancer. Increasing the number and activity of NK cells increases the killing of cancer cells.1
Among the compounds known to increase the number and activity of immune cells, especially NK cells, one has garnered the attention of cancer researchers for its ability to boost NK cell numbers and activity and for killing cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. This widely researched compound (over 25 years) is rice bran arabinoxylan compound (RBAC). M.Ghoneum, PhD, Drew University, Los Angeles, CA, has spent most of his career studying NK cell activity. Dr. Ghoneum says RBAC is the most powerful stimulant of NK cells but also has other qualities as an anti-cancer agent. RBAC which is effective when used alone is also effective when combined with conventional cancer therapy and has shown less recurrence of cancer, higher survival rates, and improved quality of life. 1
‘Various animal studies and human clinical trials have demonstrated that RBAC is a potent biological response modifier (BRM), being a safe compound with no toxicity that does not exhibit hypo-responsivenes.’1
‘Rice bran arabinoxylan compound (RBAC) is a nutritional supplement developed by Daiwa Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. of Japan and sold as a functional food in Japan. RBAC is produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of hemicellulose B, a dietary fiber found in rice bran. The principal ingredient, arabinoxylan, which is a highly branched and complicated sugar composition of mainly arabinose and xylose, is obtained from modified bran rice with a hot water extraction consisting of Lentinula edode, Coriolus versicolor, and shitake mushroom mycelia culture’. 1
‘When taken orally as a food supplement, RBAC has been shown to have dramatic effects for stimulating the body’s immune defense, with lymphocytes, more especially T and B cells, macrophages, and especially NK cell function, which play a central role in the prevention and treatment of cancer.’2 ‘When taken orally, the arabinoxylan compound also stimulates increased production of the body’s own natural cytokines, including interleukins, interferons, and tumor necrosis factors.’2
‘RBAC intake has been shown to extend lifespan with the improvement of quality of life for progressive cancer.33,36 Cancer patients can take RBAC for several years without toxicity (LD50=36.0 g/kg) as demonstrated by extensive toxicity study that shows complete safety. RBAC is still efficient and without hypo-responsiveness, which is the characteristic of several other compounds, even when taken for few years.37 I have observed in many advanced cancers with metastasis that taking RBAC has up to a five-year life extension period, improving patient QOL and physical condition and, for some, no further progression of the disease, meaning that RBAC is still active.’1
If you wish more information on RBAC please call our office, Robin P Hood, DC, PA, at (785) 243-4177.
1.NK Cell-Based Immunotherapy in The Treatment of Cancer Using a New Arabinoxylan Rice Brand Compound, Serge Jurasunas, M.D., (hc) N.D., Townsdin Letter Blog, 02-28-22
2. Cancer Treatment Breakthrough, Serge Jurasunas. M.D., (hc) N.D., Holodigm Publishing, Forestville, CA, p.74-75, 2021