Health Briefs. Vitamin C Revisited (II)
Dr. Robin P Hood, DC, PA, Chiropractic Physician

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In 1978, Fredric Klenner, MD,1­­ of Reidsville, NC, reported to Martin Zucker of the ‘Orthomolecular News Service’2 ­­­­the results of an experiment he conducted with a consecutive series of 322 pregnant women.  Dr. Klenner gave these 322 women vitamin C­3(crystals) in similar doses to those recommended by vitamin C pioneer, Dr. Irwin Stone­4.  Dr. Klenner advised these women to take 4gms. /day (4,000 mg) during the first trimester, 6 gms. /day (6,000 mg) during the second trimester, and 10 gms. /d (10,000 mg) during the third trimester.  Dr. Klenner had much experience with pregnant women who didn’t take vitamin C as he was involved with 2500 pregnancies during his career.  Dr. Klenner noted the following:

Women taking the vitamin C experienced more stability in blood counts vs. non-vitamin C taking women.

Delivery time was much shorter (6 hrs. or less) vs 24 hours for those women not taking vitamin C.

No post-partum hemorrhaging in the vitamin C group vs. 67% hemorrhaging (to some degree) in the non-vitamin C group.

Reduced striae (stretch marks), none in the vitamin C group vs. 33% with severe striae and 33% with some striae in the non-vitamin C group.

Dr. Klenner said there were no miscarriages in the vitamin C mothers, no baby deformities, and no vitamin C taking mothers experienced tooth decay.  Dr. Klenner said post-partum healing time for the vitamin C mothers was 50% faster than for the non-vitamin C mothers. Dr. Klenner said less than 1% of the vitamin C mothers experienced any adverse reaction from the vitamin C.  Dr. Klenner reported all babies born were very healthy and vibrant. 

Dr. Irwin Stone says, “Vitamin C is the best thing for pregnant women.”

  1. Saul, AW, ’Hidden in plain sight.  The pioneering work of Fredrick R Klenner, MD’, J. Orthomolecular Med., 2007, Vol 22, #1, p.31-38
  2. Zucker, Martin, ‘Pioneer Fredrick R. Klenner, MD’, Townsdin Letter, June, 2021, p64-65
  3. Klenner, Fredrick R, ‘Clinical guide to the use of Vit C.  The clinical experiences of FR Klenner, MD’, Life Sciences Press, ISBN-13:978-0943685137, 1991
  4. Stone, Irwin, ‘The Healing Factor-Vitamin C against Disease. How to Live Longer and Better’, Grosset and Dunlap, 1972