Book Review: Nourishing Fats by Sally Fallon Morell (2017)
Dr. Robin P Hood, DC, PA, Chiropractic Physician

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The attack on animal fats started with the accusation that animal fats caused heart disease viz. myocardial infarction or heart attack.  Eventually, animal fats were singled out as the cause for stroke, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, obesity, auto-immune disease, kidney failure, and impotency.

Sally Fallon Morell presents a huge amount of evidence with hundreds of scientific references proving ‘this just ain’t so’. Sally lays out voluminous evidence proving that saturated fat and cholesterol are not the villain and in fact are absolutely necessary for good health and proper physiological function.

Sally does an excellent job in exposing the devastating problem with trans-fats and rancid polyunsaturated fats and their serious adverse effects on human physiology.  Sally thoroughly covers the benefits of butter, ghee, and cooking with nourishing animal fats.  Nourishing Fats also contains many recipes which are healthy and tasty.  This is a great book for your library and health.